Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Playing Ketchup: Talesin West

Well, we never wanted our poor blog to become so neglected but with sharing a computer, getting time to do it has been difficult. So, we are going to blog in groups to catch up on what's gone on.

As a preface, not sure if we've mentioned this but the Mesa Public Library has passes that can be checked out for admission to lots of great cultural places e.g. museums, zoos, gardens etc. FOR FREE!! We love it so...

Kate and I went to Talesin West. It was the winter camp of the architect Frank Lloyd Wright and is now the winter campus for the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. If you don't know who Frank Lloyd Wright is he is the father of modern architecture and a genius. As a genius, he was sort of full of himself in a way that makes him a bit like Kanye West.

Here are some pics in a Picasa album for all to enjoy.

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