Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I love being a mom . . .

This post is cliche and probably about 5 months late but I am a proud mom of an adorable sweet little boy. I am amazed by how happy he is on a daily basis. Yeah he is a baby and he has it pretty good with people fawning all over him, but he smiles often and i can't get enough.

I am so grateful that I have the privilege of being his mom. He has his father's mellow temperament. I have been told that he is a "dream baby". He sleeps through the night, takes good naps, eats well, he is really easy going with anyone and he is so good natured. I know I am lucky, and not all of my future babies will be like him, so I am trying to be grateful for right now. I love this child so much.

I was thinking about why I love being a mom. Despite some late nights and extremely poopy diapers motherhood is incredible. I am happy because I have the opportunity to learn and grow as a person because I have the opportunity to foster a new little life. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father loved me enough to give me this privilege.

I imagine this post will come off a little sappy and it is. I am totally okay with that for now. I love you little boy!

On a different note here are just a few of his nicknames: chubs, baby blue, tubby mc cugins, smokey, little goose, buboo, slug (mostly just my dad), harry boy. Good night!