Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Wrap-Up

Well, what can I say ? It was quite a weekend. On Saturday, we convinced the whole Brooks clan to gird themselves in Cougar Blue & White. And look how it paid off. Very exciting indeed.

Sunday was nice and low-key and played into Monday. On Labor Day proper, we went and saw Star Trek at the cheap theater with the fam (It was the second viewing for Kate and I. A great flick, if you haven't seen it yet.). It made me miss the Strand a little.

Then off to Chick-Fil-A for free sandwiches for wearing sports gear.
Here's Danny, me, and the Chick-Fil-A cow. (Apparently, a month shy of 9 years old is the official age when you are too cool to be pictured with costumed creatures.)
Here's Danny, my littlest brother in law, doing what he does best...scarfing down junk food. Sorry about the gross picture. This photo is more funny to Kate and I because right after we snapped this we took Danny and Ben (who both usually smell like puppies and feet) into Bath & Body Works where we tested all of the men's cologne on their arms and hands. They smelled like a nightclub the rest of the day. It was hilarious.

Then at home we went and played in the pool. Not typical of me to spend an hour and a half in there. Not typical also to get all the kids in there, so we took some non-typical pictures.
Human pyramid.

And triple stack for "chicken fight". A feat never to be matched....


Sargent Family said...

missing the strand? blasphemy!

gavin said...

There's nothing wrong with the Strand. In fact, it has some of that old world charm to it. Missing Lilac or Tri-City, those soulless dumps? That would be blasphemy.